corporate to entrepreneur type

corporate type to an entrepreneur type

corporate type to an entrepreneur type

To change from a corporate type to an entrepreneur type is a big change for many. You will hear excuses like I’m too old, I have a young family, I’m doing my MBA, I want to get an investment property and so on.

If you do finally decide to take the challenge, you may find it hard to find like minded people. Jim Collins in his book ‘Good to Great’ says, before answering the ‘What’ questions of vision and strategy, ask first ‘Who’ are the right people for the team. I found that listening and understanding what someone is passionate about is a good way to find like minded people.

One of the biggest challenges, I found in my experience is the change from a corporate type mindset to an entrepreneur type mindset. I found that people still need to be told what to do. Perhaps this is because of the way most of us are brought up. We have always been told what to do… our parents told us what to do, teachers told us what to do, the supervisor or the boss told us what to do. Corporations may have Performance Management and yearly goals and objectives. But I found that at the end of the day, it is more or less ‘task management’ from top to bottom and someone tells you what to do and often ‘how to do it’ as well!

I dont know who said this “Research is conversion of money into knowledge and innovation is the next step of conversion of knowledge into money”. Whether you are corporate type or an entrepreneur type, I think Australia needs more people who can convert knowledge to money.

Doing Telecom software and Horticulture !!

My research interests include watching silly programs in Netflix and supporting Sydney FC.