
Blog on my vege garden and horticulture from a technology and engineering perspective.

And various related notes…



Doing Telecom software and Horticulture !!

This blog / notes are stuff I write in my local PC apps like Evernote / OneNote. Instead now I am writing in Visual Studio Code editor and publish it online.

The posts are not any professional quality and may have many typos and grammatical mistakes.. Dont get hung up on it. Often I write it quickly and push it into my Git account and some CI/CD tools publishes it online automatically.


  • Telecom esp 4G, 5G and SIP
  • Software Design and Security.
  • Embedded systems and Electrical Eng.
  • Science and Spirituality
  • Agri Tech, Horticulture and Gardening
  • Supporting Sydney FC !

Techie Things

EPS files to PNG

Converting Eps to other formats To convert EPS files to PNG, SVG or similar formats, do this Step 1 Download and install inkscape. Step …

General Things

How to Pray for dummies

How to pray in any language, religion and culture.

corporate to entrepreneur type

To change from a corporate type to an entrepreneur type is a big change for many.